Clients: 3UK, O2, Virgin, Cartoon Network, Vodacom
Type:  Visual Design
Program(s):    Photoshop
In the early days of mobile internet, before YouTube, mobile phone service providers explored methods to deliver video content to their customers. Subscribers to video-on-demand services could download and watch their favourite episodes on the go. Our task was to design attractive and intuitive interfaces while being restricted to imagery that worked on small handheld devices and restricted to low file sizes. Overall we helped users to navigate the video catalog effectively and find all their favourite shows and episodes. 
This UI, despite now being antiquated, marks the birth of my design journey. Thinking mobile first isn’t just a methodology for me: it’s the very foundation of my design career.
3UK Takeover
Takeover pages designed to promote 3UK's Subscription Video On Demand service. On first loading internet browsers on their phones, thousands of three customers saw the promotions takeover their 3UK homepage on targeted days and times.
Rebrand design of the 3UK Subscription Video On Demand mobile service, using hero imagery of the television shows to help structure the page.
Cartoon Network
Wireframe visualisation of a Cartoon Network branded mobile Video On Demand service.
Wireframe visualisation for O2's TV OnDemand, a mobile subscription Video On Demand service.
Wireframe visualisation of a concept Subscription Video On Demand service for Virgin Media, presented by On Demand Group.
Visualisation of wireframes for Vodacom's mobile Subscription Video On Demand service, presented in Powerpoint in a successful pitch to Vodacom.
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